Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Wednesdays of Mexican Designers | M O T Z

Hello everyone! So as you probably already read in the title, I'm gonna be making Wednesdays of Mexican designers, why Mexican? because I'm Mexican that's why!
Also that doesn't mean that I'll stop posting about other things, this is just me trying for you to know about our talented people! So if you like this idea then don't miss my blog on Wednesdays....and every other day too!

So anyway, today I'm gonna talk to you about M O T Z.

Motz or M O T Z is a brand that someone I know created a couple of years ago, his name is Raymundo Montiel as you can see in the picture above, you need to know that he exclusively designs and creates clothes for men which I think it's a unique thing because nowadays most designers make things just for women.

I could say and because of what I read.. his brand is very urban, inspired in architecture, art, music but yet it's very minimalist just in case you were already picturing something crazy, no. It's simple with clean and fresh lines and I bet you my favorite shoes that whoever owns something from this brand is someone with a creative mind and someone who you won't stop staring at because of how cool they look.. and well.. who doesn't want that? I do!

I am proud to say that he graduated from the college where I am right now!
I'm studying something else but.. that's not the point. 
He also has collaborated and done styling for important projects here in Mexico so 5 for you Ray, 5 for you! 
He is one of the very few people that I've met in my short life that it's not afraid of being and showing who they really are and I'm not exactly talking about feelings or something real deep, but about style, he likes what he likes, he wears what's good for him and he has that attitude that we all want to accomplish every morning when we wake up and we put on some "cool or pretty" clothes.

So.. now I'll show you a bit of his work that I personally like a lot and if I was a man I would buy them, remember we are supporting our local designers and I'm showing you that we do own talented people.

Look at that texture, and the pattern!

If you're interested in his clothes or you wanna know more about his brand..

Also here in Mexico or even more specific (Puebla) you can find his clothes at:
SODA Boutique and Trueque

Pictures from his instagram and facebook but all the rights to whom it may concern.

- Sincerely, Diana x

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